PlainSoft, progeCAD Distributor in Korea, held a strategic progeCAD Partner meeting on September 27th, 2016, dedicated to a notable event, the release of the new Korean version, progeCAD 2017 Professional.
PlainSoft has developed a fine network of Valued Partners in a short period of time and together they are striving to secure steady growth of progeCAD on the Korean market. The first version in the Korean language, progeCAD 2016 Professional, had the enthusiastic response of its users. The eagerly awaited 2017 version is already out and offers a series of new features: DWG compatibility from AutoCAD® 2.5 through AutoCAD® 2017, the Ribbon interface, 64-bit and multi-core support, new editing commands and many more.
Almost all the Valued Partners were present at the meeting the focus of which was a deep analysis of the progeCAD market and a thorough comparison of the product with its main competitors. One partner, the Clickinfo company, made a technical demonstration of the Mechclick software running on progeCAD.
After progeCAD 2016, Korea has confirmed its interest in a stable, complete and low-cost DWG CAD. Damiano Croci, COO at ProgeSOFT SA, commented: “We are highly pleased with the success of progeCAD on the Asian market, in particular, in Korea where now we have an active and strong Distributor who has created an efficient sales network in just no time. We hope to go further so as to be able to propose the software package most suitable for this market”.
More information on progeCAD is available at the official website and about the Korean version can be found here.
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