ProgeCAD is associating itself with its Indian Partner to congratulate Mr. PRS Siva Kumar on receiving “Honourable Architect Award 2013” from the Indian Institute of Architects.
Mr. PRS Siva Kumar, an internationally recognized Architect from India, has been using progeCAD License in his design and development office.
Apart from the “Honourable Architect Award 2013”, Mr PRS was also awarded “Dream house of the year 2013” and “Dream House Interior of the Year 2013″ for the design of a Bungalow in down South of Tamilnadu. Furthermore, Mr. PRS’s design of a garments factory at Thirupur (Tamilnadu) was rated as one of the 10 best semi-industrial Green Buildings in Tamilnadu.
Mr. PRS is one of the most valuable ProgeCAD Supporters who has not only been using the progeCAD software in his everyday design tasks, but also collaborating with the ProgeCAD Team through feedback and his shrewd observation contributing to the software improvement from version to version.