ProgeCAD and SoliCAD s.r.o. invite you to the 18th International Building Fairs (ITB Brno 2013) which will take place in Brno, Czech Republic from Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 until Friday, April 27th, 2013.
The 18th IBF covers practically all areas of the building industry: building construction and engineering services, building crafts and technologies, building materials and products as well as machinery construction. SoliCAD, a design office and official distributor for progeCAD, is setting up its stand at IBF to present the latest CAD solutions to all fair attendees. Not only designers and architects and any other industry professional, but also anyone who has to do with DWG drawings or is willing to learn drafting will find the SoliCAD stand worth their attention. SoliCAD will take pleasure in offering either the software basics or further insight into the progeCAD product to any visitor at their stand so that they could acquaint themselves with the best AutoCAD alternative.
All visitors are welcome! You can receive a 50% discount of the entrance fee for the 18th ITB Exhibition.
For that , you just need to contact SoliCAD ( and ask for an invitation card.