The AN-Cad Solution Company, the ProgeSOFT Partner in Finland, is presenting progeCAD 2017 at the Tekniikka Exhibition in Jyväskylä from Tuesday, November 1 through Thursday, November 3, 2016.
progeCAD, the low-cost 2D/3D, DWG/DXF-native CAD software, will be one of the main attractions of the Finnish Stand at Booth B530. progeCAD offers complete DWG 2017 compatibility, a 64-bit version, multi-core Support, DWGConverter, the AutoCAD® look-and-feel and many other add-ons and features included in the package for free. An overview of progeCAD 2017 is available here.
The Tekniikka Exhibition focuses on systems and services for measuring, analysing, controlling and adjusting the production processes. Visitors will be able to see machines, equipment and services suitable to several branches of industry on display at the exhibition. The target group consists of decision makers, professionals and engineers responsible for automation and production technology of various industries as well as the users of these technologies. The program is rich in seminars, workshops and conferences opened to all the visitors.
All attendees are welcomed at Booth B530 where An-CAD Solutions will be readily presenting the progeCAD software introducing its functionality and suggesting most suitable licensing solutions to satisfy various needs.
You can find more information about the progeCAD software at and
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