Published on CAD Semplice a blog of Domenico IEVA
BIM models are becoming increasingly common among the files designers exchange in their work.
Not everyone is ready to acquire BIM yet, because either they fail to keep pace with update processes or they are designers whose field of action does not justify the investment in BIM Authoring software. For the latter, CAD products supporting this type of file represent a great asset…

This article will demonstrate us how progeCAD 2021 can handle BIM models also offering tools to generate 2D representations from these models, such as elevations and sections. Viewing the predefined tables and creating ad hoc sections and elevations, designers can easily realize how model geometry is organized.
Furthermore, you can determine which elements to display and which to hide and that helps you reduce geometry complexity. So let’s see in detail: insertion, predefined views display, the creation of sections and elevations from a BIM model in progeCAD 2021.
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