25 March 2008 morning the website usual content of the smart! forum (http://support.progesoft.com/smart) was replaced by an image claiming the action to be carried out by the Keravnos group.
The hacked material was quickly removed from the site, that meant the visitors managed to access the forum once again
progeCAD 2008 Smart!, powered by the most recent IntelliCAD engine, is derived directly from the professional versions of progeCAD, and maintains all the base functionality of its outstanding parents for free.
Not only progeCAD 2008 Smart! is free, but it is also related to a charitable initiative in favour of Doctors Without Borders for the Darfur.
"Who could be interested in attacking a website promoting free software and linked to charity initiatives?
I hope it is a problem of an error in estimation made by that unknown group presuming themselves ‘Hacker’.
We also know many prankster hackers and computer vandals who used software tools and regularly probed the defences of websites to see if they suffer well-known vulnerabilities. This experience will help us to improve security " said Damiano Croci, Smart! responsible for progeSOFT
progeSOFT website is back and intact again! Normal services are resumed!