Como, Italy – April 20, 2009 – progeSOFT s.a.s., in cooperation with progeSOFT North America, has arranged special distribution rights for two new eBooks published by upFront.eZine Publishing. Both eBooks, Inside progeCAD 2009, and Tailoring progeCAD 2009, are available on progeSOFT s.a.s. ( and progeSOFT North America’s ( websites, as well as many of their valued reseller’s websites, for free download.Ralph Grabowski, the author of over 100 books and several hundred magazine articles about computer-aided design, publishes a free weekly email subscription based e-newsletter for CAD users called upFront.eZine, and writes a nearly daily news, tips, and commentary on the CAD industry weblog called WorldCAD Access, with nearly one million page-views in under four years.
Inside progeCAD 2009, a Tutorial for New Users, takes you step by step through a typical project teaching you each step of the way how to utilize the progeCAD product in a work environment. Sections include a guided tour, 101 tips, progeCAD for AutoCAD users, and teaches you how to setup a new drawing, placing text, creating symbols, adding dimensions, and other important topics.
Tailoring progeCAD 2009, a Guide to Customization, is a comprehensive tutorial on customizing and programming progeCAD 2009 including changing the user interface, programming in LISP, and more. It features dozens of tips, menu customization and setup of toolbars, custom linetypes, hatch patterns and fonts, with some exclusive topics not covered elsewhere.
About progeSOFT:
progeSOFT, executive and founding member of the IntelliCAD® Technology Consortium. has been developing CAD software for over 20 years. They can be contacted via their website at
About progeSOFT North America
progeSOFT North America ( distributes progeSOFT products through a reseller network in North America, and produces progeADD-on products running on progeCAD. See our website for a list of Authorized progeSOFT and progeADD-on Resellers.
ProgeCAD is either a registered trademark or a trademark of ProgeSOFT s.a.s. ProgeADD-on is either a registered trademark or trademark of ProgeSOFT North America. AutoCAD is a registered trademark or a trademark of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.