DUBLIN, NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA — Desktop Engineering (deskeng.com) announces that progeCAD USA’s (Clackamas, OR) general-purpose, AutoCAD-like 2D and 3D design application progeCAD 2010 Professional was selected as its Editor’s Pick of the Week for September 1, 2010.
“progeCAD Professional is an AutoCAD-like application. It can handle DWG files easily and that it offers commands, interfaces, ‘feel,’ and functionality that should make it readily accessible to seasoned AutoCAD users,” says Anthony J. Lockwood, editor at large for Desktop Engineering. “It’s a low-cost, general-purpose 2D and 3D design CAD system appropriate for concept sketches to MCAD layout.”
“The pitch that progeCAD USA uses is that progeCAD is an AutoCAD-like application at far less cost,” explains Lockwood. “That’s true as far as I can tell. But I actually think that progeCAD is a productivity enhancement system.”
“Its cost enables you to spread AutoCAD-like functionality around your company relatively inexpensively,” concludes Lockwood. “The hour here, the day there it can save you could return your investment in no time flat and that effect can be the one little thing that gets you to market more quickly.”Read the complete Editor’s Pick of the Week at “Low-Cost CAD System Improved.”
Desktop Engineering magazine, which is published monthly by Level 5 Communications, is an industryleading media brand covering hardware and software engineering solutions for the manufacturing, medical, automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, process, and other industries. Its readership of 60,000 is 100-percent involved in upfront design processes. Desktop Engineering’s website, deskeng.com, is a valuable resource updated regularly with breaking news from the global engineering, design, and manufacturing industries.
“Desktop Engineering covers MCAD, simulation and analysis, reverse engineering, and rapid technologies for design engineers and engineering management,” said Steve Robbins, executive editor. “We focus on computer technologies that enable 3D modeling and simulation.”
“Each issue of DE offers news updates, hardware and software reviews, articles, and in-depth coverage of rapidly evolving industries,” Robbins added. “DE delivers information that increases ROI and helps shorten time to market. Whether engineers are working on the latest aerospace project or an industrial designer is creating a new cell phone, DE provides solutions to their day-to-day challenges.”
For more information about daily news updates, monthly updates from the magazine, and advertising opportunities, contact:
Desktop Engineering, Level 5 Communications Inc., 1283D Main St., Dublin, NH 03444; 603-563-1631, fax
603-563-8192, www.deskeng.com .
ID³ Solutions, Electrical CAD Specialist, Joins the progeSOFT North America Authorized Reseller Network
St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Canada – February 12, 2009 – Scott Hucke, President of progeSOFT North America, (www.progesoft.us), and Michael Galenkamp, Owner and Founder of ID³ Solutions, (www.id3solutions.ca), have signed a progeSOFT North America Authorized Reseller agreement, allowing ID³ Solutions to become an authorized reseller of progeSOFT software and progeADD-on Modules in Canada.
progeSOFT North America is the North American distributor of progeCAD Professional and progeCAD Standard Computer Aided Design software, progeCAD Viewer DWG, capable of reviewing and marking up AutoCAD DWG drawings, and producer of vertical industry specific progeADD-on modules running with progeCAD 2009 Professional.
progeCAD, a CAD software highly compatible with industry standards, such as AutoCAD Drawings (DWG) v2.5 through v2009, “AutoCAD Like” menus and commands, SHX and TrueType fonts, AutoLISP, hatch patterns, linetypes, etc., has little or no learning curve for AutoCAD users, and is priced at 1/10th the cost of AutoCAD.
progeSOFT North America also offers add-on modules for many vertical industries and markets running on progeCAD Professional:
– progeEARTH is a Complete Civil Survey Software package.
– progeCAM Basic is an affordable entry-level 2D mini milling software bundle for CNC manufacturing.
– progeCAM Professional is an affordable Milling, Lathe and/or Wire EDM CNC software bundle for CNC manufacturing.
– progeTABLE, the first in a series of products planned for linking progeCAD to Microsoft Office applications, imports Excel Spreadsheets into progeCAD as tables, keeping the data synchronized between the two applications.
About ID³ Solutions
ID³ Solutions (www.id3solutions.ca) is a reseller and sales representative of several CAD products, specializing in electrical solutions. ID³ is involved in Design, Drawing and Deployment of electrical CAD products: sales, training, implementation support, and design services involving electrical control systems and schematics.
About progeSOFT North America
progeSOFT North America (www.progesoft.us) distributes progeSOFT products to North American progeSOFT resellers, and produces industry specific add-ons for progeCAD, distributed internationally. Potential Resellers can find more information on their website about joining the growing list of Authorized progeSOFT Resellers.
Contact Information
ID³ Solutions
31 Kilkenny Drive
St. Catharine’s
Ontario Canada
L2N 6E4
Telephone: 905 380 9143
progeTABLE,The First Module of the progeOFFICE Series, Has Been Released
Portland, OR, USA – February 5, 2009 – iCADsales.com announced today the release of the first of a series of modules in the progeOFFICE line, tailored to link progeCAD 2009 Professional with Microsoft Office applications
progeTABLE uses Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to create tables within progeCAD, allowing a designer to import a spreadsheet into progeCAD as a table within the drawing. The data within the table can then be edited in either progeCAD 2009 Professional, or within Microsoft Excel. The information is automatically synced keeping both the table in the drawing and the spreadsheet up to date with the latest information.
Some features of progeTABLE include:
– Import progeTABLE border/text on specified progeCAD layers.
– Full control of font type/style/size/color in progeCAD/Excel.
– Support for Border style (double-line, dashed line, diagonal, etc)
– Vertical/Wrap text, merged cells, center across selection.
– All elements of the imported table are progeCAD Entities.
progeTABLE is Ideal for:
– Panel Schedules
– Equipment Schedules
– Room Finish Schedules
– Door and Window Schedules
– Bills of Materials (BOM)
– Parts lists
– Notes
The progeOFFICE line of products will eventually include three additional solutions. progeWORD for Microsoft Word, progeDATABASE for Microsoft Access, and progeFIELD for linking Excel spreadsheet fields to text or dimensions, will be geared towards ensuring bi-directional data integrity between progeCAD and Microsoft Office.
About iCADsales.com
iCADSales.com, the largest progeSOFT reseller in North America, offers progeCAD, the “AutoCAD Like” CAD software, and industry specific products running on progeCAD. Users can evaluate progeCAD, the highly compatible AutoCAD clone software costing 1/10th the price of AutoCAD, for 30 days free without obligation or restriction by visiting our website, www.icadsales.com.
ProgeCAD is either a registered trademark or a trademark of ProgeSOFT s.a.s. progeOFFICE, progeTABLE, progeWORD, progeDATABASE, and progeFIELD are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ProgeSOFT North America. AutoCAD is a registered trademark or a trademark of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.
Contact Information
12042 SE Sunnyside Rd. #591
Clackamas, OR 97015
Email: info@icadsales.com
1-800-975-iCAD (4223)